If the machine is to be inoperative for a period longer
than 30 days, prepare for storage as follows.
1. Clean the engine and the entire unit thoroughly.
2. Lubricate all lubrication points. Wipe the entire
machine with an oiled rag to protect the surfaces.
3. Refer to the engine manual for correct engine
storage instructions. The engine must be com-
pletely drained of fuel to prevent gum deposits
from forming on essential carburetor parts, fuel
lines and fuel tanks.
4. Charge battery fully. The battery loses some of
its charge each day when the unit is not used.
NEVER store battery without a full charge.
Recharge battery before returning to service or
every two months, whichever occurs first.
5. Store unit in a clean, dry area. Do not store next
to corrosive materials, such as fertilizer.
NOTE: When storing any type of power equipment in
an unventi/ated or meta/ storage shed, care shou/d be
taken to rustproof the equipment. Using a fight oi/ or
si/icone, coat the equipment, especia//y any chains,
springs, bearings and cab/es.