Woods Equipment DO80-2 Brush Cutter User Manual

Dealer Check Lists 35
15916 (Rev. 3/30/2007)
Inspect cutter thoroughly after assembly to be certain it
is set up properly before delivering it to customer. The
following check list is a reminder of points to inspect.
Check off each item as it is found satisfactory, correc-
tions made or services performed.
___ Check all bolts to be sure they are tight.
___ Check that all cotter pins are properly installed
and secured.
___ On pull-type cutter, make sure pin to prevent
crank detachment is installed.
___ Check that PTO shaft is properly installed.
Gearbox was not filled at factory. It must be
serviced before operating cutter. (See page 18.)
Failure to service will result in damage to gearbox.
___ Check that gearbox is properly serviced and
seals are not leaking.
___ Lubricate cutter.
___ Check that blades have been properly installed.
___ Show customer how to make adjustments.
___ Explain importance of lubrication to customer and
point out lubrication points on cutter.
___ Point out safety features and options.
___ For mounted units, add wheel weights, ballast in
front tires, and/or front tractor weight to enhance
front end stability. A minimum 20% of tractor and
equipment gross weight must be on front tractor
wheels. When adding weight to attain 20% of
tractor and equipment weight on front tractor
wheels, you must not exceed the ROPS weight
certification. Weigh the tractor and equipment. Do
not estimate!
___ Give Operator's Manual to customer and recom-
mend that customer become familiar with all sec-
tions, especially the safety information.
___ Explain to customer that when transporting cutter
on road or highway, day or night, safety devices
should be used to provide adequate warning to
operators of other vehicle.