Vita Spa Portable Spa Hot Tub User Manual

High pH Shock with “POTASSIUM PEROXY
MONOSULFATE”; adjust pH.
Low free chlorine/bromine Shock with “POTASSIUM PEROXY
MONOSULFATE”; maintain sanitizer at
recommended level
Eye Irritation Low pH Raise pH with “PH-UP”.
Insufficient free available Shock with “POTASSIUM PEROXY
chlorine/bromine MONOSULFATE”.
Skin Irritation/Rash Unsanitary/polluted water Maintain recommended sanitizer residual at
all times; super-chlorinate.
Chlorine/bromine level too high Allow chlorine/bromine level to drop below
(above 5ppm FAC) 5 ppm before using spa.
Stains pH or total alkalinity too low Adjust pH and total alkalinity; use
sequestering agent; drain and clean with
appropriate product.
High iron or copper in water source Use sequestering agent for metals;
adjust water
Scale Too much calcium dissolved Adjust total alkalinity and pH levels by
in water-pH adding the appropriate sodium bisulfate
product; with concentrated scale deposits,
drain the spa, clean the liner as outlined in
Liner Clean Up), refill the spa and balance
the water.