Rev. B
Workman MD/MDX
Drive Train
Page 5 -- 8
Adjust Ground Speed (Workman MDX and Workman MD with Serial Number Above
All Workman MDX models and Workman MD models
with serial number above 313000400 use an engine
governor for speed control. Adjust ground speed using
the following procedure for these vehicles.
Vehicles operating at ground speeds greater than
the recommended speed will require further
distances to fully stop. Do not adjust ground
speed greater than specified.
1. Park machine on a level surface, stop engine, set
parking brake and remove key from the ignition switch.
Raise and support cargo box.
2. Make sure that the shift lever is in the neutral posi-
3. Verify engine speed to ensure correct ground speed
as follows:
A. Start engine and hold accelerator pedal to the
B. Using a tachometer, verify that engine RPM is
from 3250to3350RPMwith the accelerator pedal to
the floor.
NOTE: If phototac is to be used to measure engine
speed measurement.
C. If engine RPM is incorrect, refer to the appropri-
ate engine service manual (Briggs and Stratton Re-
pair Manual for MDX vehicles or Kohler Service
Manual for MD vehicles) for governor adjustment
4. Lower and secure cargo box after adjustments are
1. Accelerator cable
2. Accelerator cable end
3. Governor control
Figure 10