Tektronix TDS 640A Sprinkler User Manual

Probe Compensation
Passive probes require compensation to ensure maximum distortionĆfree
input to the digitizing oscilloscope and to avoid high frequency amplitude
errors (see Figure 3Ć52).
Probe Compensated Correctly
Probe Overcompensated
Probe Undercompensated
Figure 3Ć52:ăHow Probe Compensation Affects Signals
To compensate your probe:
1. Connect the probe to the probe compensation signal on the front panel.
2. Press AUTOSET.
When you connect an active probe to the oscilloscope (such as the
P6205), the input impedance of the oscilloscope automatically
becomes 50 W. If you then connect a high resistance passive probe
(like the P6139A) you need to set the input impedance back to
1ĂMW. Step 4 explains how to change the input impedance.
You now need to limit the bandwidth and change the acquisition mode.
3. Press VERTICAL MENU Bandwidth (main) 20 MHz (side).