Tektronix TDS 640A Sprinkler User Manual

Measurement System
2. Press High Ref, Mid Ref, Low Ref,orMid2 Ref (side).
High Ref Ċ Sets the high reference level. The default is 90%.
H Mid Ref Ċ Sets the middle reference level. The default is 50%.
Low Ref Ċ Sets the low reference level. The default is 10%.
Mid2 Ref Ċ Sets the middle reference level used on the second
waveform specified in the Delay or Phase Measurements. The
default is 50%.
Figure 3Ć47:ăMeasure Menu Ċ Reference Levels
Delay Measurement
The delay measurement lets you measure from an edge on the selected
waveform to an edge on another waveform. You access the Delay MeasureĆ
ment menu through the Measure main menu:
Press MEASURE Select Measrmnt (main) Delay (side). This brings
up the Measure Delay main menu (see Figure 3Ć48).
Delay to Ċ To select the waveform you want to measure to, use the main
menu item Delay to. The waveform you are measuring from is the selected
1. Press MEASURE Select Measrmnt (main) Delay (side) Delay
To (main) Measure Delay to.