S Install requiredshieldproperly beforeusing
the unit. Use the metal shield for all metal
blade use.
WARNING: Only usebrushcutter at-
tachments that provide a metal shield with
proboscis nose.
S Use onlyspecified bladeandmakesureit is
properly installed and securely fastened.
S Cut from your left to your right. Cutting on
the right side of the shield will throw debris
away from the operator.
S Always use the handlebar and a properly
adjusted s houlderstrap w ithblade(seeAS-
SEMBLY instructions inbrushcutterattach-
ment instruction manual).
WARNING: Rotating tines ca n cause
seri ous injury. Keep away from rotating tines.
Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug
before uncloggi ng tines or m aking repair s.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
cultivatedbefore starting theunit. Remove all
debris and hard and sharp objects such as
rocks, vines, branches, r ope, str ing, etc.
S Avoid heavy contact with solid objects that
might stop the tines. If heavy contact oc-
curs, stop the engine and inspect the unit
for damage.
S Never operate thecultivatorwithout thetine
cove r in place and pr operly secured.
S Keep the tines and guard clear of debris.
S After striking aforeign o bject, stopthe eng ine,
disconnect t he spark plug andinspect thecu l-
tivato r for damage. Repair before resta rting.
S Disconnect attachment from the drive en-
gine before cleaning the tines with a hose
and water t o remove any build--up. Oil the
tines to prevent rust.
S Always wear gloves when servicing or
cleaning the tines. The tines become very
sharp from use .
S Do not r un unit at high speed unless culti-
moves momentarily after the trigger is re-
leased or engine is tur ned off. Do notattempt
to clearawaycu tmaterial whenthe bladeis in
motion. M ake sure the engine is turned off,
the spark plug wire is disconnected, and the
blade has stopped moving before removing
jammed m aterial f rom the cutting blade. Do
not gr ab or hold the unit by the cutting blade.
WARNING: Inspect the ar ea before
starti n g the unit. Remove all debris and hard
objects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that
can ricochet, be thrown, or otherwise cause
injury or damage during operation.
S Do not u se a cutti ng blade that is bent,
warped, cracked, broken or damaged in a ny
other way. Ha ve worn or damaged parts re-
placed by yo ur authorized se rvi ce dealer .
S Always keep unit in front of your body.
Keep all par ts of your body away from the
cutting blade.
S Keep thecuttingbladeand airvents clearof
WARNING: The reciprocatingblade/
rotating chain can cause se vere injury. In-
spect the unitbefore use. Donot operate unit
with abent,cracked ordullblade ordullchain.
Keep away from the blade/chain.
WARNING: The reciprocatingblade/
rotating chain is sharp. Do not to uch. Topre-
vent serious injury, always stop engine and
ensure blade/chainhas st opped moving, dis-
connect spark plug, and wear gloves when
changing or handling the blade or chain.
WARNING: A coasting blade/rotat-
ingchaincancauseinjurywhileit continuesto
move after the engine is stopped. Maintain
proper control of the unit until the blade/chain
has completely stopp ed moving. Keep
hands, face and feet at a distance from all
moving parts. Donot attempt to touch orstop
the blade or chain when it is moving.