S Use only for jobs explained in this manual
(or manuals for optional att achments).
S Disconnect the spark plug before perform-
ing maintenance except carburetor adjust-
S Look for and replace damaged or loose
parts before each use. Look for and repair
fuel leaksbeforeuse. Keepin goodworking
S Replace trimmer head parts that are
chipped, cr acked, broken, or damaged in
any other way before using t h e unit.
S Maintain unit accordi ng to r ecommendedpro-
cedure s. Keep cutting line at proper length.
S Use only 0.080″ (2 mm) diameter Poulan
PRO brand line. Never use wire, rope,
string, etc.
S Install requiredshieldproperly beforeusing
the unit. Use only specified trimmer head;
make sure it is properly installed and se-
curely fastened.
S Make sure unit is assembled correct ly as
shown in this manual.
S Make carburetor adjustments with lower
end supported to prevent linefrom c ontact-
ing any object.
S Keep others away when makingcarburetor
S Use only recommended P ou lan PR O ac-
cessories and replacement parts.
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained in this manual performed by an au-
thorized service dealer .
S Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
S Keep away from sparks or flames.
S Use a container approved f or fuel.
S Do not smoke orallow smokingnear fuel or
the unit.
S Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all fuel
S Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from
fueling site before starting engine.
S Stop engine and allow to cool before re-
moving fuel cap.
S Always st ore gasoline in a container ap-
proved for flammable liquids.
S Allow engineto c oolbefore storing ortrans-
porting in vehicle.
S Empty the fuel tank befor e s toring or trans-
porting the unit.Useupfuel leftin thecarbu-
retor by starting the engine and letting itrun
until it stops.
S Store unit and f uel in area where fuel vapors
cannot reach sparks or open flames from wa-
ter heaters, electric motors or swi tches, fur-
naces, e tc.
S Store unit so line limiter blade cannot acci-
dentally cause injury. The unit can be h u ng
by the shaft.
S Store unit out of reach of children.
WARNING: The engine exhaust
from this product contains chemicals know n
totheStat eof Californiatocause c ancer,birth
defects or other r eproductive harm.
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage in th e fing ers, hands, and joints of
people prone t o circulation disor ders or abnor-
mal swe llings. Prolonged use i n cold weather
has been linked to blood ve ssel damage in
otherwise healthy people. If sym p toms occur
such as numbness, pain, loss of strength,
change in skin co lor or texture, or loss o f feeling
in the fingers, hands, or joints, discontinue the
use of t his tool a nd seek medical a ttention. An
anti--vibra tion system does not gua rantee the
avoidance of these problems. Users wh o oper-
ate power tools on a continualand regul ar basis
must monitor cl osely their physical condition
and t he c onditi on o f th is to ol.
SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is equipped
with a tempe rature lim iting m uf fler and spark a r-
rest ing screen which meets th e requirem ents of
Califo rnia Codes 4442 and 4 443. All U.S. forest
land and the states of California, Idaho, Maine,
Minnesot a, New Jersey , Oregon, and W ashing-
ton requir e by law that many internal combus-
tion engines be equipped wit h a spark arr esti ng
screen. If you operate in a locale where su ch
regulations exist , yo u are legally responsib le for
maintaining the operating co ndition of these
parts. Failure to d o so is a violation of t he law .
For normal homeowner use, the muf fler an d
spark a rresting screen will not require any ser-
vice. After 50 hours of use, we recommend t hat
your muffler be servi ced or replaced by an au-
thorized service dealer.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
trimmed before each use . Remove object s
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wir e, etc.) which
can bethrownbyor becomeentangled inline.
Hard objects can damage the trimmer head
and be thrown causing se rious injur y.
S Keep others incl ud ing children, animals, by-
stander s,and helpers at l east 50 feet (15me-
ters) awa y. Bystanders should be encour-
aged to wear safety glasses. Stop engine
immediately if you are approache d.
S Use onl y for trim m ing, s calping, m o wing and
swee ping. Do not use for edging, pruning or
hedge trimming.
S Cut from your right to your left. Cutting on
left side of theshield will throw debris away
from the operator.
WARNING: For each optional at-
tachment used, read entire instruction manu-
al before u se and follow all warnings and in-
structions in manual and on attachm ent.
WARNING: Ensure handlebar is
instal led whe n using brushcutter attachment.
Attach handl ebar above arrow on safety label
on the upper shaft (engine end of unit). If yo ur
brushcutter attachment does not include a han-
dlebar , a handlebar a ccessor y kit (#530071451)
is available f rom your aut horized service d ealer .