S Keep t he handles dry and cl ean and
fr ee f r om oi l and grease.
S Keep oil cap and fasteners s ecurel y
S Nonconforming replacement compo-
nents or the removal of saf et y devices
may cause damageto theunit andpos-
sible i nj ur y t o t he op er ator or bystand-
ers.Use only Poul an PR O accessories
and repl acement parts as recom-
mended. Never modif y your saw.
S Maintain cha in saw wi th care.
S Keep uni tsharpand cleanforbetterand
saf er perf o rmance.
S Follow instru ction s for lub ricat ing and
changing accessories.
S Unplug the chain saw from the power
source when not in use, bef or e servic-
ing, and when changing acc essor i es
and att achments, such as saw chain
and guard.
S Check for dam aged part s. Before fur-
ther use of the chain saw, a guard or
other part t hat is damaged should be
care fully checked todet erminethat itwill
operate properly and perform its in-
tended function. Check for ali gnment of
moving pa r t s, bi ndi ng o f m ovi ng part s,
bre aka ge of parts, mounting and any
other condit i ons that m ay a ff ect its op-
erati on. A guard or ot her part t hat is
damaged should be pr operl y repair ed
or replaced by an authorized service
dealer unless ot herwi se i ndi cated el se-
where i n t he i nstr ucti on manua l .
S When not in use, chain saws should be
stor ed in a dry, high or l ocked-up place
out of the reach of chi ldr en.
S When s t ori ngsaw ,unplug a nduse abar
sheath or car r yi ng case.
WARNING: Avoid a da ngerous
environment. Toreduce theriskofelec-
trical shock, do not use in rain, in damp
or wet locations, or around swimming
pools, hot tubs, etc. Do not expose to
snow,rain,orwatertoav oidthepossibil-
ityofelectricalshock. Donothandleex -
tension cord or plug with wet hands.
S Use a volt age supply as sh own on the
nameplate of the unit.
S Avoid dange rous sit uati on s.Do notuse
in the presence of flamma ble liquids or
gases to avoid creating a fi r e or explo-
sion and/or causing damage t o unit.
S To reduce the risk o f elect ri cal sho ck,
thisappliance has apolarized plug (one
bladeiswider thanthe ot her)and willre-
quir e t he use of a polari zed extension
cord .Th e applianceplu g willfitint oapo-
lari zed extensi on cord only one w ay. I f
the plug does not f i t ful l y into the exten-
sion cord, reve rse the plug. If the plug
stil l does not fit, obtain a c or r ect polar-
ized extension cord. A polar i zed exten-
sion cord wi ll re quir e the use of a polar-
ized wa ll outlet. This plug will fit into the
polari zed wall out l et onl y one way. If
plug does not fit f ul ly into t he wall outl et,
reverse the plug.If t heplug st i l ldoes not
fit,contact aqualified electrici an toinst all
theproperwalloutlet .Donotchangethe
equipment p l ug, extension cord recep-
tacle,or ext ensioncord plug i n any way.
S To reduce ri sk of elect ri cal shock, use
extension cords s pecif i cal ly marked as
suitable f or out door appliances. T he
electr i cal r at i ng of the cord must not be
less than the rating of unit. The cord
must be marked wi t h suf fi x “ W--A” (i n
Canada, “W”). Use a pol ari zed cord.
Make sure your extension cord is in
good condition . Inspect extension cord
before use and replace i f damaged. Do
not use a damaged cord. Cord insula-
tion must be i nt act wi t h nocracks orde-
teri or at i on. Plug connectors must be
undamaged. An under si zed extension
cord wil l cause a drop i n li ne voltage re-
sulti nginlossofpowerandoverheatin g.
If in doubt, use the next heav i er gauge.
The l owerthegaugenumber,theheav i-
erthe c ord(see
in the OPERAT ION sectio n). Do
not use mu ltiple cords.
S Do not abuse cord. Never carry the unit
by theextensi oncord oryankextensio n
cord to di sconn ect unit.
S Secure extension cord to power cord to
prevent disconnection from unit .
S Donotusethe uni tiftheswitch doesnot
turn t he unitonandoff proper l y, or if t he
lockout does not work. Repair s t o the
switch must be made by an authorized
serv i c e d ea ler.
S Keep ext ension cord clear of oper ator
and obstacle s atall tim e s.Position cord
so thatitwillnot be c au ghtonbranc hes.
Do not expose cor ds t o heat, oil , wat er,
or sharp edg es.
S To av oid the po ssi bility of electric shock,
avoid body c on tact wit h any gr oun de d
conductor, such as metal fences or
S Ground Faul t Circui t Inter r upter (GFCI )
protect i on should be provided on circuit
or outl et to be used. Recept acles are
available havingbuilt-in GFCIprotection
and may be used for t his measur e of
safety. Inspect chain saw cor ds peri odi-
cally and i f damaged, have r epai r ed by
an authori zed servi ce dealer.