Recording Your Active Greeting
IMPORTANT: For security purposes, it is recommended that you do
not choose sequential or repeated digits like 1-2-3-4 or 5-
5-5-5 for your password.
Recording Your Active Greeting
With Nextel Voice Mail service there are a number of ways in which people can
reach you. You may want to include one or all of the following options in your
greeting so that callers will know they are available.
• Press 1 to send a numeric message.
• Press 2 to send an operator assisted message. (This option is available only
if you are a subscriber of Operator Assisted Messaging. Contact Nextel
Customer Care for more information.)
• Press # to skip the greeting and record a message immediately.
Nextel Direct Connect
Nextel Direct Connect is a powerful, long-range, digital walkie-talkie feature. It
lets you instantly contact any Nextel customer in your local calling area with a
simple push of a button. You can communicate with your coworkers and clients
for a fraction of the cost of traditional cellular calls. With Nextel Direct
Connect, you can contact an individual or a group of people designated as a
NOTE: For information about Nextel Direct Connect
coverage areas,
go to nextel.com from your PC.
4. Enter your new password. This password must be all numbers. It must
be 4- to 7-digits long.
5. Press * * to return to the main menu.