Initializing the Control Panel (NGC Models Only)
1. Make sure that you have installed a 9v battery in the battery compartment.
2. Press ON/OFF to turn the power on.
The control panel display lights up and a copyright message displays briefly.
3. A message displays that warns you not to use the telescope to look at the Sun.
At the end of this message, press the button prompted by the display to signify
that the message has been read and understood.
4. The control panel display then requests the current date. Use UP/DOWN (
D, Fig.
) to scroll through the digits for the date. Press ENTER after each of the desired
digits displays and the cursor will move to the next position.
After the date is entered, the month list displays. Use UP/DOWN to scroll through
the list of months.
When the
current month displays, press ENTER.
The cursor moves to the year display. Use UP/DOWN to scroll through the digits
for the year. Press ENTER when each of the desired digits displays and the cur-
sor will move to the next position.
5. The control panel then requests the current time. Use UP/DOWN to display the
digits for the time. (Use a "0" for the first digit if less than 10.
) Press ENTER after
each of the desired digits displays and the cursor will move to the next position.
After the time is entered, "AM" is displayed. Note that there are three options in
this setting: "AM," "PM" and "blank" (neither AM nor PM is displayed). If you
select the "blank" option, the clock displays time in a 24-hour (military time) for-
mat. Use UP/DOWN to scroll to your choice. Press ENTER to start the clock.
6. The next screen requests the status of Daylight Savings Time. Use UP/DOWN to
move between the "Yes" and "No" settings. Select the desired setting by press-
ing ENTER.
NOTE: Daylight Savings Time may be referred to by a different name in
various areas of the world.
NOTE: When multiple choices are available within a menu option, the cur-
rent option is usually displayed first and highlighted by a right pointing
arrow (>).
7. The next screen asks for the country or state/province (listed alphabetically) of
the observing site.
Note: The location settings (country/state/province and city) are only
asked for the first time you turn on the control panel. If you wish to change
this setting later on, use the Site menu. See SITE, page 18, for more infor-
Use UP/DOWN to scroll through the list of countries, states, and provinces. Press
ENTER when the correct location displays.
8. The next screen asks for the city (listed alphabetically) closest to the observing
site. Use UP/DOWN to scroll through the list of cities. Press ENTER when the
correct city appears on screen.
9. System initialization is complete. The Easy Alignment feature begins automati-
cally after the control panel is initialized. See
Easy Alignment, page 12.
How to set the time and date to 11:30 PM, March 6, 2003 (NGC Models Only):
This example demonstrates how to set the time and date.
1. Press ON/OFF to turn on the control panel.
2. Press the button prompted by the control panel to show that the Sun warning has
been read and understood.
3. "Enter Date: 01-JAN-2003" displays. "0" is highlighted by a blinking cursor. Press
ENTER to select "0."
4. "1" is now highlighted. Press UP/DOWN until "6" displays in this position. Press
5. "JAN" is now highlighted. Press UP/DOWN until "MAR" displays and press
6. "2" is now highlighted. The date display now reads "06 MAR 2003." Press
ENTER four times to accept the year without any changes.