S Keepothersaw ayw henmakingc arbure-
tor adjus tments.
S Use onlyrecommendedMcCullochaccesso-
ries and replacement parts.
S Have all m aintenance and service not ex-
plained in this manual performed by your au-
thorized service dealer .
S Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
S Keep away from sparks or flames.
S Use a container approved for fuel.
S Do notsmokeor allowsmokingnear fuelor
the unit.
S Avoid spilling f uelor oil. Wipe upall fuelspills.
S Move at least 3 meters away from fueling
site before starting engine.
S Stop engine and allow to cool before re-
moving fuel cap.
S Always storepetrolina containerapproved
for flammable liquids.
WARNING: Inspecttheareatobecut
before each use. Rem ove objects ( rocks,
broken glass, nails, wire, string, etc.) which
can be thrown or become entangled in the
blade or trimmer head.
S Keep others including children, animals,
bystanders, andhelpers at least 15 meters
away. Stop engine imm ediately if you are
S Always keepengine ontheright--handside
of your body.
S Hold the unit firmly with both hands.
S Keep firm footing and balance. Do not
S Keep blade or trimmer head below waist
level. Do not raise engine above your waist.
S Keep all parts of your body away from blade,
trimmer head, and muf fler when engine i s
running. A hot muffler can cause serious
S Cut from your left to your right. Cutting on
right side of the shield will throw debris
away from the operator.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
S Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
S Allow theengine tocool; secureunit b efore
storing or transporting in vehicle.
S Empty fuel tank before storing or transporting
the unit. Use up fuel left in the carburetor by
starting engine and letting it run until it stops.
S Storeunit andfuel inanareawherefuel v a-
pors cannot reach sparks or open flames
from water heaters, elec tric motors or
switches, furnaces, etc.
S Storeunitso linelimiter cannotaccidentally
cause injury.Unit canbe hungby theshaft.
S Always install transport guardon bladebe-
fore transporting or strorage.
S Store the unit out of the reach of children.
S Secure the machine during transport.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to v ibra-
tions through prolonged use of petrol pow-
ered hand tools could cause blood vessel or
nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and
joints of peopleproneto circulation disorders
or abnormal swellings. Prolonged us e in cold
agein otherwise healt hypeople. Ifsymptoms
occur such as num bness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in the finge rs, hands, or joints,
discontinuetheuseofthis toolandseekmed-
ical attention. An anti-vibration system does
not guarantee the avoidance of these prob-
lems. Users who operate power tools on a
continual and regular basis must monitor
closely theirphysicalconditionand thecondi-
tion of this tool.
Check carton conte nts a gain st t hefollowinglist:
S Powerhead
S Trimmer attachment
S Trimmer head
S Blade
S Cupped washer
S Large nut for installing blade
S Combination shield
S Bolt
S Loop handle
S Securing plate
S Bolt
S Wing nut
S J--handle
S Hex wrench
S Wrench
S Shoulder strap
S Transport guard
WARNING: Always stopunit anddis-
connectspark plugbeforeperforminganyas-
sembly procedures.
WARNING: If received assembled,
repeatallsteps toensure you runit isproperly
assembled and all fasteners are secure.
Examine parts for damage. Do not usedam-
aged parts.
It is normal for the fuel filter to rattle in the
empty fuel tank.
Finding fuelor oilresidue onmuffleris normal
due to carburetor adjustments and testing
done by the manufacturer.
S Hex wrench (provided)
S Adjustable wrench
S Phillips screwdriver