8. Position the lines in the guide slots.
Guide slot
Guide slot
9. Place the spool in the cover a s shown
10. Insert the ends of the lines through exit
holes in the sides of the cover.
Line exit hole
11. Reinstall the spool and cover onto the
trimmerhead.Push untilcover snapsinto
Refer totheASSEMBLY section for bladere-
placement instructions and illustrations.
WARNING: Keep others away when
making idle speed adjustments. The trimmer
head will be spinningduring most of this pro-
cedure. W ea ryour prot ective equipmentand
observe all safety precautions. After making
adjustments, the trimmer head must not
move/spin at idle speed.
The carburetor has been carefully set at the
factory.Adjustments may benecessaryifyou
notice any of the following conditions:
S Engine will not idle when the throttle is re-
S The trimmer head m oves/spins at idle speed.
Make adjustments with the unitsupported so
the cutting attachment is off the ground and
will not make contact with any object. Hold
justments. Keep all parts of your body away
from the cutting attachment and muffler.
Idle Speed Adjustment
runs w ithouttrimmerheadmovingorspinning
(idle speed too fast) or engine stalling (idle
speed too slow).
S Turn idle speed screw clockwise to in-
creaseenginespeedifenginestalls ordies.
S Turn idlespeed screw counterclockwiseto
decrease engine speed if trimmer head
moves or spins at idle speed.
WARNING: Recheck the idle speed
after each adjustment. The trimmer head
must not move or spin at idle speed to avoid
serious injury to the operator or others.