
Snowplowing Tips from the Pros
Open areas such as parking lots require a more serious approach
to planning, where to begin, and where snow can be stacked at
the edges. The following will help in making a plan, thus turning
out a neat, professional job.
Always turn on warning flashers when plowing. Then make a
single pass down the center on the longest dimension. Angle-
plow the snow toward the long sides with continuous passes
until the area is cleared and snow is all stacked around the
outside edges.
For larger areas, efficient plowing calls for clearing area
immediately in front of buildings and working away from
buildings toward the outer limits of the area. When snow is quite
deep, it might be necessary to push the excess into piles out of
main traffic lanes for later handling. Areas 100,000 sq.ft. or more
-- once the main artery is clear, it is usually most efficient to plow
at right angles to the artery, piling up windrows by back and forth
passes in alternate lanes. The windrows can later be pushed out
of the way or left as is depending upon conditions.
To clean up remaining snow, you can put the blade in the straight
position. Buck piles from either side to stack snow. The blade will
automatically "ride" up the pile to make stacking easier.
On a dirt or slag surface, drop moldboard to ground in straight
position, then raise one inch or adjust runners for desired
clearance. Plow with moldboard in suspended position.
1. Always turn on warning flashers when plowing.
2. Make first pass to clear area into which you will later push
more snow.
3. Clear front in straight position and clean up remaining snow.
Buck piles from either side to stack snow. Blade will
automatically "ride" up pile to aid in stacking.