Fluke PM6681R Outdoor Timer User Manual

9-124 Command Reference
*LRN? PM6680B/81/85
Learn Device Setup
Learn Device Setup Query. Causes a response message that can be sent to the
instrument to return it to the state it was in when the *LRN? query was made.
Returned Format:
:SYST:SET_<Block data>¿
<Block data> is #292<92 data bytes> for PM6680B
<Block data> is #3104<104 data bytes> for PM6681
<Block data> is #276<76 data bytes> for PM6685
Complies to standards: IEEE 488.2 1987.
*OPC PM6680B/81/85
Operation Complete
The Operation Complete command causes the device to set the operation com-
plete bit in the Standard Event Status Register when all pending selected device
operations have been finished. See also Example 4 in Chapter 4.
Enable OPC-bit
SEND® *ESE 8 1
Start measurement (INIT). *OPC will set the operation complete bit in the status register when the
measurement is done.
Wait 1s for the measurement to stop. Read serial poll register, will reset service request
Check the Operation complete bit (0) in the serial poll byte. If it is true the measurement is
completed and you can fetch the result.
Then read the event status register to reset it:
If bit 0 is false, abort the measurement.
Complies to standards: IEEE 488.2 1987.