9-40 Command Reference
:FORMat :TINFormation PM6681
8 Boolean
Timestamping On/Off Timestamping;On/Off
This command turns on/off the time stamping of measurements. Time stamping is
always done at the start of a measurement with a resolution of 125 ns, and is
saved in the measurement buffer together with the measurement result.
The setting of this command will affect the output format of the MEASure, READ
and FETCh queries.
For :FETCh:SCALar?, :READ:SCALar? and :MEASure:SCALar? the readout will con
sist of two values instead of one. The first will be the measured value and the next
one will be the timestamp value.
In :FORMat ASCii mode, the result will be given as a floating-point number (NR3
format) followed by the timestamp in seconds in the NR2 format ddd.ddddddddd
(12 digits). In :FORMat REAL mode, the result will be given as an eight-byte block
containing the floating-point measured value, followed by a four-byte block con
taining the integer timestamp count, where each count represents 125 nanosec
When doing readouts in array form, with :FETCh :ARRay?, :READ :ARRay?,or
:MEASure :ARRay? , the response will consist of alternating measurement values
and timestamp values, formatted the same way as for scalar readout. All values
will be separated by commas.
Parameters <Boolean> = (1 / ON|0/OFF)
Returned format: 1|0 ¿
*RST condition: OFF