Reference Manual
00809-0200-4801, Rev BA
April 2007
Rosemount 3051S
The PLINE_Learn_Sensitivity parameters provide very specific adjustments
to the sensitivity during the learning phase.
• Insufficient Dynamics Check: Ignores the insufficient dynamic check if
not selected. Use only when there is very low process noise. PIL may
not detect a plugged line condition.
• 10%, 20%, and 30% Stdev. Change Check: Allows for 10, 20, or 30%
change in Standard Deviation while in the learning state. If this value is
exceeded, the algorithm will stay in the verifying state until the value is
not exceeded.
• Three or six Sigma Mean Change Check: Allows for a three or six
Sigma change in the mean while in the learning state. If this value is
exceeded, algorithm will stay in the verifying state until the value is not
• 2% Mean Change Check: The mean value of the baseline calculation
can not vary more than 2% during the learning or verifying states. If this
value is exceeded, algorithm will stay in the verifying state until the
value is not exceeded.
PLINE_Detect_Length is the length of time the algorithm uses to take the
process values and calculate the dynamics to compare to the learned
baseline. This value should not be longer than the
PLINE_LEARNING_LENGTH to avoid false detections. The default value is
one minute. The detection cycle must be larger than the macrocycle of the
PLINE_Detect_Sensitivity will override the “Plugged Sensitivity” value. The
values for this parameter are 0%-100% change in dynamics. Low values are
used in low noise processes, and high values are used in noisy processes.
This value is used when detecting two lines plugged condition for DP and line
plugged for AP and GP transmitters.
PLINE_Single_Detect_Sensitivity will override the Plugged Sensitivity value.
The allowed values for this parameter are 0%-100% change in dynamics. Low
values are used in low noise processes, and high values are used in noisy
processes. This value is used when detecting single line plugged condition
with DP transmitters only.