Reference Manual
00809-0200-4801, Rev BA
April 2007
Rosemount 3051S
Configuration of the
Plugged Impulse Line
To configure the PIL, open the ADB transducer block and refer to the host
documentation. The three parameters below are the minimum required for
PLINE_Affect_PV_Status determines whether the quality of the pressure
measurement from the Sensor Transducer Block will be affected by the
Plugged Impulse Line status. The parameter default is “false”. When the
algorithm detects plugged impulse lines there is no affect on the quality of the
pressure measurement from the Sensor Transducer Block. If the parameter
setting is “true”, the ADB status will cause the quality of the pressure
measurement from the Sensor Transducer Block to go “UNCERTAIN”.
PLINE_Sensitivity determines the sensitivity of the PIL Detection Algorithm.
Low sensitivity is primarily used if the process contains large amount of
dynamics. Medium sensitivity would be recommended for normal processes.
High sensitivity would be used for a process with minimal dynamics. Below is
a guide for setting your “Plugging Sensitivity”.
Sensitivity levels for all lines plugged used for DP, AP or GP:
• Low sensitivity
An 80% reduction in dynamics (with respect to the baseline dynamics)
in the last detection cycle time (default 1 min.).
• Medium sensitivity
A 70% reduction in dynamics (with respect to the baseline dynamics) in
the last detection cycle time (default 1 min.).
• High sensitivity
A 60% reduction in dynamics (with respect to the baseline dynamics) in
the last detection cycle time (default 1 min.).
Sensitivity levels for one line plugged used for DP only:
• Low sensitivity
A 100% increase in dynamics (with respect to the baseline dynamics)
in the last detection cycle time (default 1 min.).
• Medium sensitivity
A 70% increase in dynamics (with respect to the baseline dynamics) in
the last detection cycle time (default 1 min.).
• High sensitivity
A 40% increase in dynamics (with respect to the baseline dynamics) in
the last detection cycle time (default 1 min).
This parameter Enables or Disables the Plugged Impulse Line Algorithm. The
PIL must be both licensed and activated in order to detect plugged impulse
lines. The default state is disabled.