Trouble Possible Cause(s) Corrective Action
Engine fails to start Fueltank empty,or stalefuel,
Engine runs erratic
Water or dirt in fuel system,
Loss of power Spark plug wire loose,
Gas cap vent hole plugged.
Exhaust port plugged.
Engine overheats Carburetor not adjusted
Blocked fuel line,
Choke not in ON position
Faulty spark plug.
Key not in switch on engine,
Spark plug wire disconnected.
Primer button not depressed.
Unit running on CHOKE.
Blocked fuel line or stale fuel,
Fill tank with clean, flesh gasoline. Fuel will not last over thirty
days unless a fuel stabilizer is used.
Clean fuel line,
Move switch to ON position
Clean, adjust gap or replace.
Insert key,
Connect spark plug wire.
Prime engine 5 times, See instructions for starting engine.
Move choke lever to OFF position.
Clean fuel line; fill tank with clean flesh gasoline, Fuel will not last
over thirty days unless a fuel stabilizer is used,
Drain fuel tank. Refill with fresh fuel.
Connect and tighten spark plug wire.
Remove ice and snow from cap, Be certain vent hole is clear.
Clean engine.
Contact Sears service center,
Incorrect fuel mixture. Drain fuel tank. Refill with proper fuel mixture,
Excessive vibration Loose parts or damaged auger. Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire. Tighten
all bolts and nuts, Make all necessary repairs. Ifvibration
continues, have unit serviced by an authorized service dealer,
Unit fails to propel Incorrect adjustment of drive cable. Adjust drive cable. Refer to page 9of this manual.
itself Drive belt loose or damaged. Replace drive belt. Refer to page 17 of this manual.
Unit fails to Discharge chute clogged, Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire. Clean
discharge snow discharge chute and inside of auger housing,
Foreign object lodged inauger. Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire. Remove
incorrect adjustment of drive cable, object from auger,
Drive belt loose or damaged. Adjust drive cable. Refer to page 9 of this manual.
Shear bolts have sheared. Replace drive belt. Refer to page 17 of this manual.
Replace with new shear bolts,
NOTE: This section addresses minor service issues. For further details, contact Sears service center or call the
numbers listed on the back of this manual.
California & U.S. EPA Emission Control Warranty Statement
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA'), the California Air
Resources Board ("CARB") and Tecumseh Products Co. are pleased
to explain the Federal and California Emission Control Systems
Warranty on your new small off-road engine.
In California, new 1995 and later small off-road engines must be
designed, built and equipped to meet the State's stringent anti-smog
standards. In other states, new 1997 and later model year engines
must be designed, built and equipped, at the time of sale, to meet the
U.S. EPA regulations for small non-road engines.
Tecumseh Products Co. will warrant the emission control system on
your small off-road engine for the periods of time listed below,
provided there has been no abuse, neglect, unapproved modification,
or improper maintenance of your small off-road engine. Your
emission control system may include parts such as the carburetor,
ignition system and exhaust system. Also included may be the
compression release system and other emission-related assemblies.
Where a warrantable condition exists, Tecumseh Products Co. will
repair your small off-road engine at no cost to you for diagnosis, parts
and labor.
Manufacturer's Emission Control System Warranty
Emissioncontrol systemson 1995 andlatermodel yearCalifornia
smalloff-road engines arewarrantedfortwo years ashereinafter
noted. In other states, 1997 and later model year engines are also
warranted for two years, if, during such warranty period, any
emission-related part on your engine is defective in materials or
workmanship, the part will be repaired or replaced by Tecumseh
Products Co.
Owner's Warranty Responsibilities
As the small off-road engine owner, you are responsible for the
performance of the required maintenance listed in your Owner's
Manual, but Tecumseh Products Co. will not deny warranty solely
due to the lack of receipts or for your failure to provide written
evidence of the performance of all scheduled maintenance.
As the small off-road engine owner, you should, however, be aware
that Tecumseh Products Co. may deny you warranty coverage if your
small off-road engine or a part thereof has failed due to abuse,
neglect, improper maintenance or unapproved modifications. You are
responsible for presenting your small off-road engine to a Tecumseh
Authorized Service Outlet (any Tecumseh Registered Service Dealer,
Tecumseh Authorized Service Distributor or Tecumseh Central
Warehouse Distributor) as soon as a problem exists. The warranty
repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to
exceed 30 days.
Warranty service can be arranged by contacting either Authorized