Alamo 00761808C Lawn Mower User Manual

A96B 03/06 Maintenance Section 5-21
© 2006 Alamo Group Inc.
Step 1. Install bearing cups into lower end of main housing. Using appropriate tool, install first cup, then
spacer, and then last cup. Note: Apply Locktite #270 to cups before installing. Note direction of cups when
installing. See crossection view Figure Mnt-R-0127.
Step 2. Apply Locktite #270 to cone bore and press bearing cone on output shaft against shoulder at lower
end. Insert shaft assembly into bottom of main housing. Install top bearing inserting over end shaft inside main
gearbox housing. Install gear spacer. Install Gear Adjusting Shims, if any were present at disassembly. Install
the Output Gear on the Output Shaft. Figure Mnt-R-0128.
Step 3. Install special flat washers and special lock washer. Apply locktite to nut threads and threads on shaft.
Figure Mnt-R-0129.