Serial Protocols
RS400 69 ROS™ v3.5
Synopsis: 1 to maximum port number
Default: 1
The port number as seen on the front plate silkscreen of the switch.
Synopsis: Any 15 characters
Default: Port 1
A descriptive name that may be used to identify the device conected on that port.
Synopsis: { None, RawSocket, ModbusServer, ModbusClient, DNP, WIN, TIN, MicroLok,
MirroredBits,PreemptRawSocket }
Default: None
The serial protocol supported on this serial port.
Synopsis: { RS232, RS485, RS422, FIBER }
Default: RS232
A serial port interface type.
Synopsis: { On, Off }
Default: Off
Enables forcing half duplex mode of operation. While sending data out of the serial port all
received data are ignored. This mode of operation is available only on ports that operate in full
duplex mode.
Synopsis: 100 to 230400
Default: 9600
The baud rate at which to operate the port.
Data Bits
Synopsis: { 7, 8 }
Default: 8
The number of data bits to operate the port with.
Synopsis: { 1, 1.5, 2 }
Default: 1
The number of stop bits to operate the port with.
Synopsis: { None, Even, Odd }
Default: None
The parity to operate the port with.
Pack Timer
Synopsis: 5 to 1000
Default: 10 ms
The delay from the last received character until when data is forwarded.
Synopsis: 0 to 1000