Appendix E – ModBus Management Support and Memory Map
ROS™ v3.5 268 RS400
Note that, as RuggedCom devices have variable number of ports, not all registers and bits apply
to all products.
Registers that are not applicable to a given product return zero value.
E.g. registers referring to serial ports are not applicable to RuggedSwitch products.
Modbus Memory Map
#Registers Description (Reference Table in UI) R/W Format
PRODUCT INFO (table Name: ProductInfo)
0000 16 Product Identification R Text
0010 32 Firmware Identification R Text
0040 1 Number of Ethernet Ports R Uint16
0041 1 Number of Serial Ports R Uint16
0042 1 Number of Alarms R Uint16
0043 1 Power Supply Status R PSStatusCmd
PRODUCT WRITE REGISTERS (table Name: various tables)
0080 1 Clear Alarms W Cmd
0081 2 Reset Ethernet Ports W PortCmd
0083 2 Clear Ethernet Statistics W PortCmd
0085 2 Reset Serial Ports W PortCmd
0087 2 Clear Serial Port Statistics W PortCmd
ALARMS (table Name: alarms)
0100 64 Alarm 1 R Alarm
0140 64 Alarm 2 R Alarm
0180 64 Alarm 3 R Alarm
01C0 64 Alarm 4 R Alarm
0200 64 Alarm 5 R Alarm
0240 64 Alarm 6 R Alarm
0280 64 Alarm 7 R Alarm
02C0 64 Alarm 8 R Alarm
ETHERNET PORT STATUS (table Name: ethPortStats)
03FE 2 Port Link Status R PortCmd
ETHERNET STATISTICS (table Name: rmonStats)
0400 2 Port 1 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
0402 2 Port 2 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
0404 2 Port 3 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
0406 2 Port 4 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
0408 2 Port 5 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
040A 2 Port 6 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
040C 2 Port 7 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
040E 2 Port 8 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
0410 2 Port 9 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32
0412 2 Port 10 Statistics - Ethernet In Packets R Uint32