Ethernet Statistics
ROS™ v3.5 122 RS400
Synopsis: Any 127 characters
Default: Monitor
The owner of this record. It is suggested to start this string with the word 'monitor'.
4.4.2 RMON History Samples
History samples for a particular record in the RMON History Control Table are displayed by
selecting a particular record and view option. The index of the record will be included in the
resulting menu title of the sample screen.
The table will present a series of samples. The Sample number starts with one and increases by
one with each new log entry. The oldest samples are deleted in favor of new samples when the
allotted buckets are used.
The StartTime provides the system time when the measurement interval started. The remaining
fields provide the counts for each statistic as measured in the sample period.
Statistics collection begins whenever the History Control record is created and when the switch
is initialized. As new samples are added, the window is automatically updated.
Figure 85: RMON History Samples Table