Ethernet Statistics
ROS™ v3.5 130 RS400
Figure 91: RMON Events Form
Synopsis: 1 to 65535
Default: 2
The index of this RMON Event record.
Synopsis: { none, log, snmpTrap, logAndTrap }
Default: logAndTrap
The type of notification that the probe will make about this event. In the case of 'log', an entry is
made in the RMON Log table for each event. In the case of snmp_trap, and SNMP trap is sent
to one or more management stations.
Synopsis: Any 31 characters
Default: public
If the SNMP trap is to be sent, it will be sent to the SNMP community specified by this string.
Last Time Sent
Synopsis: DDDD days, HH:MM:SS
The time from last reboot at the time this event entry last generated an event. If this entry has
not generated any events, this value will be 0.
Synopsis: Any 127 characters
Default: Monitoring outgoing trafic on port 2.
A comment describing this event.