Upgrading Firmware and Managing Configurations
ROS™ v3.5 256 RS400
Figure 182 Brief snippet of SQL command for finding the correct table name
14.3.3 Retrieving Information
Retrieving a Table
The SQL select subcommand is used to retrieve table information. The command “sql select
from ‘tablename’” provides a summary of the parameters within the table, as well as their
Figure 183 Selecting a table
Retrieving Parameter from a Table
SQL select command may be used to retrieve a particular parameter from a table. SQL
command “sql select parameter_name from tablename” is used for this purpose. The parameter
name is always the same as those displayed in the menu system. If the parameter name has
spaces in it (e.g. “IP Address”) the spaces must be replaced with underscores or the name must
be quoted.
Figure 184 Select a parameter within a table
Retrieving A Table with Where Clause
It is useful to be able to display specific rows of a table predicated upon the row having
parameters of a specific value. Addition of “where” clause to the select will limit the returned
>sql select "ip address" from ipcfg
IP Address
1 records selected
>sql select from ipcfg
IP Address Type IP Address Subnet Gateway Management VLAN
Inactivity Timeout Telnet Sessions Allowed Web Server Users Allowed TFTP Server
ModBus Address SSH Sessions Allowed
Static 1
Disabled 8 16 Get Only
Disabled 8
1 records selected
>sql info tables
Table Description
alarms Alarms
cpuDiags CPU Diagnostics
ethPortCfg Port Parameters
ethPortStats Ethernet Statistics
ethPortStatus Port Status
IP Services