RS400 243 ROS™ v3.5
RS900 (v2, 40-00-0066), RS900 (v2, 40-00-0067) }
Shows the type, part number, and revision level of the hardware
12.5 Loading Factory Default Configuration
The Load Factory Default Configuration option will reset all configuration parameters to factory
default values with the exception of parameters that affect basic connectivity and SNMP
management. Specifically, configuration items in the following categories are not reset by this
• IP Interfaces
• IP Gateways
• SNMP Users
• SNMP Security to Group Maps
• SNMP Access
A prompt message will be displayed requesting confirmation of this action.
Figure 170: Load Factory Defaults Dialog
Note: It is possible to explicitly reset configuration items in the exceptional categories listed above to their
default values by using the “sql” command. Please refer to the section entitled: “Upgrading
Firmware and Managing Configurations”.
12.6 Resetting the Device
This operation will close all open Telnet connections and warm start the device after User has
confirmed the reset operation from the Reset Device option.