
34 C1553M-B (4/05)
1. Navigate the Object Browser to [project name] > Clients. Double-click <Add New Client> in the right pane, or right-click Clients in the left
pane and select Add New from the pop-up menu. The Add New Client dialog box opens.
Figure 18. Add New Client Dialog Box
2. Computer name: Type in the name of the computer you want to add as a client of the VMX300(-E) server, or click Browse to select from a
list of computers visible on the network. The computer name you enter here must be identical to the computer name listed in Windows
Control Panel System on the computer you want to add. Use the computer name to refer to the client in scripts and expressions. For a list of
client properties that can be scripted, refer to Scripts and Expressions - Properties of Objects.
3. Default workspace: If you want the server to supply a default workspace to the client you are adding, type in the pathname of the
workspace file you want to load, or Browse to select the desired file. VMX300(-E) loads the default workspace for any operator whose user
preferences are set to “Use the workspace supplied by the server.” Refer to Workspaces for information on creating workspaces.
4. Click OK. The Add New Client dialog box closes and the new client is added. The name of the new client appears in the Object Browser.
1. Navigate the Object Browser to [project name] > Clients. In either pane, right-click the client whose properties you want to change and
select Edit from the pop-up menu. The Edit Client Properties dialog box opens.
Figure 19. Edit Client Properties Dialog Box
2. Change properties of the client as desired. Refer to Add a New Client for information on specific properties.
3. Click OK. The Edit Client Properties dialog box closes.