
C1553M-B (4/05) 215
c. Daily: To have the scheduled action execute certain days of the week, click Daily. Click Which Days to specify which days of the week
you want the action to execute. The Daily Schedule dialog box opens.
Figure 238. Daily Schedule Dialog Box
Select days individually or use the buttons to select and deselect multiple days at once. All selects all seven days of the week. Clear
clears all seven days of the week. Weekday selects Monday through Friday only. Weekend selects Saturday and Sunday only. Once
you have selected the days, click OK to close the Daily Schedule dialog box.
In the Start At area, specify the time of day for the action to execute. To set the time, select the hour, minutes, or seconds and click
the up and down arrows.
d. Sunrise or sunset: To have the scheduled action execute once a day at sunrise or sunset, click Sun Rise/Set. Click Setup to specify
geographic location and other information the server needs to calculate when to execute the action. The Sunrise/Sunset Setup dialog
box opens.
Figure 239. Sunrise/Sunset Dialog Box
In the Time area, click Rise if you want the action to execute at sunrise, or Set if you want it to execute at sunset. If you want to
execute an action at both sunrise and sunset, you must create two different schedules.
In the Plus/Minus area, type in the number of minutes before or after sunrise/sunset that you want the action to execute. For example,
if you want the action to execute a half hour before sunrise, select Rise in the Time area and type in -30 in the Plus/Minus area.
In the Latitude area, select North or South, and type in the latitude of the relevant location. For example, if the scheduled action is to
control a camera every day at dusk, use the latitude of the camera, not of the server. You can either enter the latitude in decimal
notation in the Decimal box, or in degrees, minutes and seconds in the Deg, Min and Sec boxes. As you type in the latitude, the server
will automatically convert it to the other notation.
In the Longitude area, select East or West, and type in the longitude of the relevant location. Like the latitude, you can enter longitude
either in decimal notation, or in degrees, seconds and minutes. Click OK to close the Sunrise/Sunset Setup dialog box.
e. Hourly: To have the scheduled action execute once an hour, click Hourly. In the Start At area, type in the number of minutes after the
hour you want the action to execute. Fractional amounts will automatically be rounded.
f. By minutes: If you want the scheduled action to execute every few minutes, click By Minutes. In the Every area, type in the number
of minutes you want to elapse before the action next executes, up to a maximum of 59 minutes. Fractional amounts will automatically
be rounded.