
150 C1553M-B (4/05)
Once you have created a new user group, you can then make any new or existing user a member of the group. There is one exception: groups that
grant the “Can configure software” permission are not available to users who can manage users but cannot configure software. This prevents
users who can manage users but cannot configure software from giving themselves software configuration privileges.
You can create a new user group from scratch or you can base new groups on an existing group. To create a new user group based on an existing
group, make a copy of the existing group and then edit the copy. Refer to Pop-Up Menus in the Appendix for information on using Copy and Paste
or Paste Many to make copies of objects.
To create a new user group from scratch:
1. Navigate the Object Browser to [project name] > User Groups. Double-click <Add New User Group> in the right pane, or right-click User
Groups in the left pane and select Add New from the pop-up menu. The Add New Group dialog box opens.
Figure 187. Add New Group Dialog Box
2. Name: Type in a unique, descriptive name for the group you want to add. User group names are at most 50 characters long. They can
include any letter, digit or special character, with the exception of single and double quotation marks. User group names are not case
3. Permissions: Select the permissions you want members of the new group to have. If necessary, click any plus signs to expand the list. To
select all the permissions in a category, select the head category. Selecting [project name] at the top of the Group Permissions list selects
all the permissions in the list.
4. Click OK. The Add New Group dialog box closes and the new group is created. The name of the new group appears in the right pane of the
Object Browser.
Selecting a category of permissions ensures that the user group has all permissions in that category, even if the category later
acquires a new permission because a new object has been configured. For example, suppose you have a user group that includes
personnel responsible for installing and maintaining devices. Select Devices to give group members access to all devices. If a new
device is added to the server configuration, the group will automatically be given permission to access the new device.
To select a permission for all similar devices at once, hold the Shift key down and select the permission for any one of the devices.
The permission will be selected for every other device that has it. For example, to select the “Can lock camera” permission for all
lockable cameras, regardless of make or model, hold down the Shift key when you select “Can lock camera” for any one camera.
The permission will automatically be selected for every camera that has the permission.