
C1553M-B (4/05) 245
FTP Sites
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a set of communication rules that allow two computers to exchange files over a network. The FTP image capture
feature allows you to capture live video in a custom window and upload the image file to an FTP server, such as a Web host. The action of
capturing and uploading an image is controlled through the FTP script command.
To use the FTP image capture feature, you must do the following procedures:
Configure FTP site: Add the FTP site to the server configuration. Refer to Add a New FTP Site for instructions.
Write script: Write a script that initiates an FTP image capture. Refer to Write an FTP Script for more information.
You might also want to do this:
Adjust image attributes: Adjust the dimensions and quality of captured images. Refer to Clients, Custom Windows, and Canvases -
Canvases - Add a New Canvas (General) for more information.
To add a new FTP site:
1.Navigate the Object Browser to [project name] > FTP Sites. Double-click <Add New FTP Site> in the right pane, or right-click FTP Sites in the
left pane and select Add New from the pop-up menu. The New FTP Site Properties dialog box opens with the General tab showing.
2. General tab:
Figure 271. New FTP Site Properties General Tab
a. Name: Type a unique, descriptive name for the FTP site you want to add. FTP site names are, at most, 50 characters long and can
include any letter, digit or special character, with the exception of single and double quotation marks. FTP site names are not case
b. Script tag: If you do not want to use the script tag provided by the server, type a unique, meaningful tag. Script tags are, at most, 50
characters long. They can include any letter, digit or the underscore character, but cannot begin with a digit. They cannot contain
spaces or special characters. Tags are not case sensitive. Use the script tag to initiate FTP image captures in scripts. For information
on using the FTP script statement, refer to Write an FTP Script.
c. Remote host information: The Remote Host Information area is used to enter information about the FTP server where image files
will be sent and stored. If you are missing any of the information in the Remote Host Information area, contact the system
administrator of the FTP server.