
220 C1553M-B (4/05)
If an alarm or event is triggered more than once in quick succession, a new entry appears in the recipient’s Session Manager each time the alarm
or event is triggered. If the alarm or event has a sound, the sound will play each time the alarm or event is triggered, unless you have selected
“Silence subsequent events.”
The On Operator Replay script runs automatically on the workstation of any recipient who does not already have a Session Manager entry high-
lighted when the alarm or event is triggered. If a recipient already has a highlighted entry in the Session Manager when the alarm or event is
triggered, the new alarm/event entry will not be highlighted. This ensures that the operator’s current activity is not interrupted.
The On Operator Replay script can also be run on demand by a recipient. To run the On Operator Replay script, the recipient selects the entry in
the Session Manager. An alarm or event can be replayed no matter what its status.
When an operator replays an alarm or event, the following occurs:
The On Operator Replay script runs.
On the workstation of the operator who replayed the alarm or event, an entry recording the replay appears in the Session Manager.
The entry displays in the alarm/event category’s Color.
Operator replays do not do the following:
Change the icon color
Change the icon animation
Play the alarm sound
Require acknowledgement
Affect the workstation of any operator except the operator who replayed the script
If “Requires acknowledgement” is selected for the alarm/event category, the entry will remain active until the alarm or event has been acknowl-
edged, either by an operator or by automatic acknowledgement. If more than one operator is notified of an alarm or event, only one operator
needs to acknowledge it.
To acknowledge an alarm or event, an operator must do one of the following:
Highlight the alarm entry in the Session Manager and click the Acknowledge or Acknowledge with Comment button on the Session
Manager tool bar.
Right-click the alarm/event icon and select Acknowledge or Acknowledge with Comment from the pop-up menu. If the alarm or event has
been triggered more than once in quick succession, creating multiple entries into the Session Manager, this acknowledges every instance.
If the alarm or event does not require a comment, click the Acknowledge All button on the Session Manager tool bar, which acknowledges
all alarms and events that do not require a comment.
When an alarm or event is acknowledged, the following occurs:
The entry in the Session Manager and the alarm/event icon change back to the category’s Default Color.
If an On Acknowledge script is associated with the alarm or event, it runs.
Once an alarm or event has been acknowledged and its scripts have finished executing, the status of the entry in the Session Manger is set to
Complete. Any entry that does not have status Complete is considered to be active. When an alarm or event becomes complete, the following
If the alarm or event did not require acknowledgement, the entry in the Session Manager and the alarm/event icon change back to the
category’s Default Color.
The entry for the complete alarm or event is moved from the Active list to the Complete list.
The entry for the complete alarm or event is no longer highlighted.
The highest active entry in the Session Manager becomes highlighted. Which entry this is depends on how the Session Manager is sorted.
There is a limit of 500 unacknowledged alarms and events per server. When the limit is exceeded, the server automatically
acknowledges the oldest alarm or event, making it complete. If archiving is turned on, the archive will show that the alarm or event
was automatically acknowledged by the server.
There is a limit of 500 completed events in Session View of the Session Manager. When the limit is exceeded, the 500 oldest events
are deleted from Session View.