
C1553M-B (4/05) 31
Starting and Stopping Device Drivers
Start each device driver needed to control the devices in your system. You can start the drivers before you start the VMX300(-E) server, or after.
When you start a device driver, you have the choice of running it as an executable or as a service. If you ever have to restart a driver that is run
as an executable, you will have to follow the steps outlined here. To restart a driver that is run as a service, restart the computer the driver is
installed on, or start the driver through the Windows Control Panel Administrative Tools.
To start a device driver:
1. Run the device driver application from the Windows Start menu, or double-click the driver icon if there is one on the Windows desktop.
If this is the first time you are launching the device driver, the Corrupt or Missing Database message appears because VMX300(-E) must
create a new database the first time you use it. Click Create.
If this is not the first time you are launching the device driver, and the Corrupt or Missing Database message appears, then the driver data-
base is corrupted or missing. If this is the case you will need to either restore a backup or create a new database. Creating a new database
destroys the existing database if there is one. For information on restoring a backup, refer to Database Utilities.
Figure 16. Create or Restore Database Dialog Box
Once a valid database is in place, the Configure Driver dialog box opens.
Figure 17. Configure Driver Dialog Box
2. If the driver is currently installed to run as a service and you want to run it as an executable, click “Remove the driver as a service,” then
click OK. Repeat step 1 to re-open the Configure Driver dialog box.
3. Local network adapter: Select the IP address of the computer the driver is installed on from the drop-down list.
4. Listening port: The listening port is the port the device driver uses to receive commands from the server.
If you have not yet added the device driver to the server configuration, use the default port number provided, or type in a port number
between 2 000 and 10 000 that has not been assigned to another driver. Use this port number as the Listening Port when you add the device
driver to the server configuration.
If the device driver has previously been added to the server configuration, select the driver’s listening port from the drop-down list. The lis-
tening port is the port that was specified when the driver was added to the server configuration. To find out the listening port, log in to con-
figuration mode. The port is displayed beside the driver in the Object Browser.
TIP: If you run a device driver as a service, you can set the driver to restart automatically in the event of failure. Once the driver is running
as a service, go into Windows Control Panel Administrative Tools, open the driver service, and set the restart options on the Recovery tab.