Word(s) DefaultFunctionBit(s)
DM 6614 00 to 07 Servicing time for Communications Board port A
(effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01)
00 to 99 (BCD): Percentage of cycle time used to service port A.
Minimum: 0.26 ms; maximum 58.254 ms
No setting
08 to 15 Communications Board port A servicing setting enable
00: Do not set service time (Fixed at 5%, 0.26 ms min.)
01: Use time in 00 to 07.
Service time is 10 ms when operation is stopped, regardless of this setting.
DM 6615 00 to 15 Reserved ---
DM 6616 00 to 07 Servicing time for RS-232C port (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01)
00 to 99 (BCD): Percentage of cycle time used to service RS-232C port.
Minimum: 0.228 ms; maximum 58.254 ms
No setting
08 to 15 (RS-232C port servicing setting enable)
00: Do not set service time (Fixed at 5%, 0.228 ms min.)
01: Use time in 00 to 07.
Service time is 10 ms when operation is stopped, regardless of this setting.
DM 6617 00 to 07 Servicing time for peripheral port (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01)
00 to 99 (BCD): Percentage of cycle time used to service peripheral.
Minimum: 0.26 ms; maximum 58.254 ms
No setting
08 to 15 Peripheral port servicing setting enable
00: Do not set service time (Fixed at 5%, 0.26 ms min.)
01: Use time in 00 to 07.
Service time is 10 ms when operation is stopped, regardless of this setting.
DM 6618 00 to 07 Cycle monitor time (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01, 02, or 03)
00 to 99 (BCD) × setting unit (see 08 to 15)
08 to 15 Cycle monitor enable (Setting in 00 to 07 × setting unit; 99 s max.)
00: 120 ms (setting in bits 00 to 07 disabled)
01: Setting unit: 10 ms
02: Setting unit: 100 ms
03: Setting unit: 1 s
00: 120 ms
DM 6619 00 to 15 Cycle time
0000: Variable (no minimum)
0001 to 9999 (BCD): Minimum time in ms
Interrupt/Refresh Processing (DM 6620 to DM 6623)
The following settings are accessed only once when program execution begins.
DM 6620 00 to 09 Special I/O Unit cyclic refresh (Bit number corresponds to unit number, PC
Link Units included)
0: Enable cyclic refresh and I/O REFRESH (IORF(97)) from main program
1: Disable (refresh only for I/O REFRESH from interrupt programs)
A setting of 01 (Disable) is valid only when the interrupt response is set to
high-speed response mode. It is not valid for normal interrupt response or for
Special I/O Units mounted in Slave Racks.
10 to 11 Reserved ---
12 to 15 Interrupt response
0: Normal (C200H compatible)
Interrupts cannot be received when Host Link servicing, execution of a
single instruction, Remote I/O processing, or Special I/O processing is
being performed. The interrupt subroutine will be executed after the
processing is completed.
1: High-speed Response (C200HS or C200HX/HG/HE)
Interrupts will be received when Host Link servicing, execution of a
single instruction, Remote I/O processing, or Special I/O processing is
being performed. If there is an interrupt input, the current processing will
be interrupted and the interrupt subroutine will be executed.
DM (Data Memory) Area Section 3-6