2. With the message service, there is no guarantee that a message to a des-
tination node will reach its destination. It is always possible that the mes-
sage may be lost in transit due to noise or some other condition. When using
the message service, it is advisable to prevent this situation from occurring
by performing resend processing at the node where instructions are issued.
With the SEND, RECV, and CMND(194) instructions, resend processing is
performed automatically once the number of retries has been set, so be sure
to specify a number other than “0” for the number of retries.
Indirect Destination Beginning Word Designations
D is used to specify the sourced beginning word when indirect specification is
designated using the same designations as those used for the destination be-
ginning word for SEND(90).
Examples This example is for a SYSMAC NET Link System. When 00000 is ON, the follow-
ing program transfers the content of IR 001 through IR 005 to LR 20 through LR
24 on node 10.
IR 001
IR 002
IR 003
IR 004
IR 005
LR 20
LR 21
LR 22
LR 23
LR 24
DM 0010
DM 0011
DM 0012
15 0
LR 20
DM 0010
Node 10
Address Instruction Operands
00000 LD 00000
00001 RECV(98)
LR 20
DM 0010
Flags ER: The specified node number is greater than 126 in a SYSMAC NET Link
System, greater than 62 in a SYSMAC LINK System, or greater than
127 in an Ethernet or Controller Link System.
The received data overflows the data area boundaries.
Indirectly addressed DM word is non-existent. (Content of DM word is
not BCD, or the DM area boundary has been exceeded.)
There is no SYSMAC NET Link/SYSMAC LINK/PC Card/Controller
Link Unit.
Network Instructions Section 5-26