10-2 Host Link End Codes
10-2-1 End Code Summary
These are the response (end) codes that are returned in the response frame.
When two or more errors occur, the end code for the first error will be returned.
Contents Probable cause Corrective measures
00 Normal completion --- ---
01 Not executable in RUN mode The command that was sent cannot
be executed when the PC is in RUN
Check the relation between the
command and the PC mode.
02 Not executable in MONITOR
The command that was sent cannot
be executed when the PC is in
03 UM write-protected The PC’s UM is write-protected. Turn OFF pin 1 of the CPU Unit’s
DIP switch.
04 Address over The program address setting in an
SV Read or SV Change command
is above the highest program ad-
dress but less than 65,536.
Correct the program address setting
and transfer the command again.
13 FCS error The FCS is wrong. Either the FCS
calculation is mistaken or there is
adverse influence from noise.
Check the FCS calculation method.
If there was influence from noise,
transfer the command again.
14 Format error The command format is wrong or a
command that can’t be divided has
been divided.
Check the format and transfer the
command again.
15 Entry number data error The data is outside of the specified
range or too long.
Correct the data and transfer the
command again.
16 Command not supported The operand specified in an SV
Read or SV Change command does
not exist in the program.
Check the command and program.
18 Frame length error The maximum frame length of 132
bytes was exceeded.
(If the frame exceeds 280 bytes, the
Reception Overflow Flag will be
turned ON and there won’t be a re-
Check the command and divide it
into multiple frames if necessary.
19 Not executable Items to read not registered for
composite command (QQ).
Execute QQ to register items to
read before attempting batch read.
20 Couldn’t create I/O table Unrecognized Remote I/O Unit, too
many I/O words, or node number
duplication for Remote Optical I/O
Check the Remote I/O System and
the number of I/O words.
23 User memory protected Pin 1 on C200HX/HG/HE DIP
switch is ON.
Turn OFF pin 1 of the CPU Unit’s
DIP switch.
A3 Aborted due to FCS error in trans-
mit data
An FCS error occurred in the se-
cond or later frame.
Check the FCS calculation method.
If there was influence from noise,
transfer the command again.
A4 Aborted due to format error in
transmit data
The command format did not match
the number of bytes in the second
or later frame.
Check the format and transfer the
command again.
A5 Aborted due to entry number data
error in transmit data
There was a entry number data er-
ror in the second or later frame.
Correct the data and transfer the
command again.
A8 Aborted due to frame length error
in transmit data
The length of the second or later
frame exceeded the 132-byte max.
Keep frames to 132 bytes or fewer.
Host Link End Codes
Section 10-2