Instruction OFF execution time (µs)ON execution time (µs)ConditionsInstruction
TXD(––) When designating a word 56.1 70.8 0.313 0.469 0.938
When designating DM 99.4 114.1
7SEG(––) Word-designated 4 digits 19 to 22 (see
note 2)
0.313 0.469 0.938
DM-designated 4 digits 30 to 34 (see
note 2)
Word-designated 8 digits 19 to 22 (see
note 2)
DM-designated 8 digits 30 to 34 (see
note 2)
FPD(––) Word designation, code output 74.60 to 89.40 (see
note 2)
0.313 0.469 0.938
DM designation, message output 105.0 to 142.2 (see
note 2)
SRCH(––) Constant for SV 39.7 54.4 0.313 0.469 0.938
Word for SV 1.35 ms (see
note 2)
DM for SV 7.73 ms (see
note 2)
MAX(––) DM search 31.75 46.45 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM search 1.31 ms (see
note 2)
MIN(––) DM search 31.75 46.45 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM search 1.31 ms (see
note 2)
DM add 26.55 41.25 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM add 1.30 ms (see
note 2)
Add a word → word 26.75 41.45 0.313 0.469 0.938
Add 999 words → DM 1.05 ms (see
note 2)
DM conversion 36.95 51.65 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM conversion 102.6 117.3
AVG(––) Average of an operation 33.05 47.75 0.313 0.469 0.938
Average of 64 operations 133.8 148.5
PID(––) When designating a word 48.1 62.8 0.313 0.469 0.938
When designating DM 89.4 104.1
XDMR(––) Constant for SV 39.9 54.6 0.313 0.469 0.938
Word for SV 1.44 ms (see
note 2)
DM for SV 4.19 ms (see
note 2)
MTR(––) Input to DM 29 to 34 (see
note 2)
0.313 0.469 0.938
Input to DM 45 to 51 (see
note 2)
ADBL(––) DM + DM → DM 27.35 42.05 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM + DM → DM 60.1 74.8
SBBL(––) DM – DM → DM 26.95 41.65 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM – DM → DM 59.7 74.4
Instruction Execution Times Section 6-3