Description LMSG(47) is used to output a 32-character message to a Programming Con-
sole. The message to be output must be in ASCII beginning in word S and end-
ing in S+15, unless a shorter message is desired. A shorter message can be pro-
duced by placing a null character (0D) into the string; no characters from the null
character on will be output.
To output to the Programming Console, it must be set in TERMINAL mode. Al-
though LMSG(47) will be executed as normal, the message will not appear cor-
rectly on the Programming Console unless TERMINAL mode is set. Refer to
5-25-6 TERMINAL MODE – TERM(48) for details on switching to TERMINAL
When pin 6 of the CPU Unit’s DIP switch is OFF, the Programming Console can
be switched to TERMINAL mode by pressing the CHG Key or by executing
TERM(48) in the program. When pin 6 of the CPU Unit’s DIP switch is ON, the
Programming Console can be switched to Expansion TERMINAL mode by turn-
ing on bit AR 0709.
Flags ER: S and S+15 are not in the same data area.
Indirectly addressed DM word is non-existent. (Content of DM word is
not BCD, or the DM area boundary has been exceeded.)
Example Although the display is longer and there is a choice of output devices, the coding
for LMSG(47) is the same as that for MSG(46). Refer to Example under the pre-
vious section for an example using MSG(46).
Ladder Symbols
Description When the execution condition is OFF, TERM(48) is not executed. When the
execution condition is ON, TERM(48) switches the Programming Console to
TERMINAL mode. (Instructions MSG(46), LMSG(47), and the keyboard map-
ping function are executed in TERMINAL mode.)
The Programming Console will return to CONSOLE mode when the CHG key is
pressed again. There is no instruction that returns the Programming Console to
CONSOLE mode from the program.
The Programming Console can also be switched to TERMINAL mode by press-
ing the CHG key on the Programming Console before inputting the password or
when the mode is being displayed provided that pin 6 of the CPU Unit’s DIP
switch is OFF. The Programming Console will return to CONSOLE mode when
the CHG key is pressed again.
When pin 6 of the CPU Unit’s DIP switch is ON, the Programming Console can
be switched to Expansion TERMINAL mode by turning on bit AR 0709.
Special Instructions Section 5-25