The SV (set value) for a timer or counter is generally entered as a constant,
although inputting the address of a word that holds the SV is also possible. When
inputting an SV as a constant, CONT/# is not required; just input the numeric
value and press WRITE. To designate a word, press CLR and then input the
word address as described above.
Designating Instructions The most basic instructions are input using the Programming Console keys pro-
vided for them. All other instructions are entered using function codes. These
function codes are always written after the instruction’s mnemonic. If no function
code is given, there should be a Programming Console key for that instruction.
To designate the differentiated form of an instruction, press NOT after the func-
tion code.
To input an instruction using a function code, set the address, press FUN, input
the function code including any leading zeros, press NOT if the differentiated
form of the instruction is desired, input any bit operands or definers required for
the instruction, and then press WRITE.
Caution Enter function codes with care and be sure to press SHIFT when required.
Key Sequence
[Address displayed] [Instruction word] [Operand]
Inputting SV for Counters
and Timers
Inputting, Modifying, and Checking the Program Section 4-7