we have imported an SWF file. We can invoke Adobe Flash Player software by double-
clicking the imported graphic. SWF files also retain their interactive properties in PDF.
FrameMaker table support is very rich: tables can have complex shading rules, multiple
heading and footing rows along with table footnotes, and can be composed of thousands
or even millions of cells, spanning multiple pages with repeating headings and footings.
Sophisticated methods for handling table data in XML are available, including support for
the CALS table model.
Select the Table>Insert Table command to place a table in a document. When you add or
delete text, the table adjusts itself accordingly. You can also align tables in various ways: left,
centered, right, or closest to the outside or inside margin. Table cells can include text,
graphics, equations, and hypertext links.
With FrameMaker, you can sort table rows and columns in ascending or descending order,
alphabetically, numerically, or in any combination of up to three sort criteria. You can also
sort uppercase letters separately from lowercase letters.
In addition, you can use tables created in FrameMaker in other applications, such as
spreadsheet programs. When you copy a table to the Clipboard, you can paste it into
another application using the Edit>Paste command.
Press the Tab key to easily navigate through cells in a table. You can also add and delete
rows and columns from the keyboard.
You can resize table columns to fit a cell’s content, specify a column width, or click and
drag a column’s borders. To straddle adjacent cells, select the cells and choose
When you rotate a cell in a table, you can type into it just as you do any other cell. You can
also rotate an entire table on a page of unrotated text or on a rotated (landscape) page.
Use the Table Designer to create and store reusable formats. You can use table formats to
specify ruling, shading, titles or captions above or below, plus the paragraph format in each
cell and the precise space above and below the table. Of course, any of these properties can
be modified as needed if the table is already created.