As with all FrameMaker documents, a table of contents or index template can be modified
to fit any design, or you can use one of the templates included with FrameMaker 8 soft-
To generate a table of contents for a book, add the chapters and any other components of
the book, then set up and generate the table of contents. When you make changes to the
chapters, you can update the book file and regenerate the table of contents at any time.
The procedure is the same for indices, except that you choose the marker types whose con-
tent you want FrameMaker to include when you initially generate the book or update it
later on.
With any generated file, you can create hypertext links to the source documents. To create a
hypertext link, choose Special>Hypertext. After the files are generated and locked, online
users can click to navigate to the precise section or page listed in the generated file.
Setting up a Table of Contents (TOC)
1. To display the Set Up Table of Contents dialog, make the Book window active and
choose Add>Table of Contents. To display the Set Up Standard Index dialog, choose
Add>Standard Index. To display any of the other Set Up Index dialogs, choose
Add>Index Of. All of these dialogs display information chosen for inclusion in your
generated files.
2. To display the reference pages, make any file window active and click View>Reference
Pages. The Reference pages contain formatting specifications for the table of contents
and index.