2. Save the conversion table.
3. You will probably want to add new rules to your conversion table to improve the
accuracy of the automated conversion to structure. You can wrap sequences of
paragraph formats in XML elements, automatically creating a structured hierarchy. You
can also specify an XML root, or top-level, element.
Converting Unstructured Content
1. Open an unstructured FrameMaker document and a conversion table. Activate the
unstructured FrameMaker document by clicking anywhere in the document window.
2. Choose StructureTools>Utilities>Structure Current Document. Select the appropriate
conversion table.
3. Inspect the results. Adjust the conversion table rules until the document is completely,
or nearly completely, structured. For guidance on creating conversion tables, see the
document Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker, which is available in
the Adobe FrameMaker Help Center (Help>Complete FrameMaker Help).
After your conversion table is complete, you can batch convert entire folders of unstruc-
tured FrameMaker documents by choosing StructureTools>Utilities>Convert Documents
to Structured Format.
New rule to wrap
document in root element
New rule to wrap content
of “Section” elements