change Format attributes for some or all of the files in a book, select them in the Book win-
dow and choose any of the commands in the View menu.
Use the commands on the Add and Edit menus to set up and add generated files, including
tables of contents, lists of figures, lists of tables, and indices — both for books and for indi-
vidual files.
When you set up generated files, you specify the paragraph tags that are applied to the text
you want FrameMaker to include, and the markers whose content you want to extract. For
example, you may want to include Chapter and Appendix titles and first-, second-, and
third-level headings in the book’s table of contents.
In the lower right corner of the Book window, click the Update Book and Generate Lists
and Indexes button to update and re-generate the TOC, index, and any other generated
file, and to update cross-references and pagination. If errors occur, they are reported in a
Book Error Log file and generation continues.
You can import formats and page layouts from one document into some or all other docu-
ments in a book, thereby ensuring consistency in a multi-authoring environment. To copy
formats and layouts, use the File>Import>Formats command in the Book window. The
Import Formats dialog provides a button that allows you to quickly select or deselect all the
available format categories.
You can display the Structure View, Attributes Editor, or Element Catalog by clicking the
appropriate buttons in the lower right corner of the Book window.
Working with FrameMaker Book Files
1. A book file contains the names of all of the chapters in the book, as well as the
generated files such as the table of contents, lists, and indices. (Generated files are
marked with a slightly different icon than non-generated files.)