Yourlawn mowerwas builtt
anytypeof powerequipment
moweris capableofamputal
instructionscouldresult in st
beoperated accordingto the rules for safe operationin this manual. Aswith
carelessnessor erroronthe parl ofthe operatorcanresull in injury. Thislawn
ing handsandfeet andthrowingobjects.Failure to observethe followingsafety
riousinjury or death.
Read,understand, andfollow all instructions inthe n anualand
on the machinebefore starting. Keepthis manualin asafe place
for future and regular reference and for ordering re_lacement
2. Only allow responsible individuals familiar with the ir structions
to operate the machine. Know controls and how t( stop the
machine quickly.
3. Do not put hands or feet under cutting deck or ne_r rotating
4. Clearthe area of objects such as rocks, toys, wire, _tc., which
could bepicked upand thrown bythe blade.A small( bject may
havebeen overlooked and could be accidentally thro Nnby the
mower in any direction and causeinjury to you or a _ystander.
Tohelp avoid a thrown objects injury, keepchildren, Lystanders
and helpersat least 75 feetfrom the mower while it i,, inopera-
tion. Always wear safetyglasses or safetygoggles dudng oper-
ation or while performing an adjustment or repair, :o protect
eyes from foreign objects. Stop the blade(s) wher crossing
gravel drives, walks or roads.
5. Besure the area is clear of other people before mov'ing. Stop
machine if anyone enters the area.
6. Never carry passengers.
7. Disengage blade(s) before shitting into reverseand b_cking up.
Alwayslook down and behind before and while backirg.
8. Beaware of the mower andattachment discharge din ction and
do not point it at anyone. Do not operate the mow_r without
either theentire grass catcher or the chute guard in pl Ice.
9. Slow down before turning. Operate the machine ;moothly.
Avoid erratic operation andexcessive speed.
10. Never leave a running machine unattended. Alway_ turn off
blade(s), place transmission in neutral, set park bf]ke, stop
engine andremove key beforedismounting.
11. Turn off blade(s) when not mowing.
12. Stop engine and wait until blade(s) comes to a corn flete stop
before (a) removing grass catcher or unclogging chtte, or (b)
making any repairs, adjusting or removing any grass ( r debris.
13. Mow only in daylight or good artificial light.
14. Do not operatethe machine while underthe influence _falcohol
or drugs.
15. Watch for traffic whenoperating near or crossing roacways.
16. Use extra care when loading or unloading the mach ne into a
trailer or truck. This unit should not be driven up o down a
ramp onto atrailer or truck under power, becausethe _pnitcould
tip over, causing serious personal injury. The unit must be
pushed manually on a ramp to load or unloadproperl_
17. Never makea cutting height adjustment while engine i; running
if operator must dismount to do so.
18. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and close-fitti zgslacks
and shirts. Do not wear loose fitting clothesor jewelry. Theycan
be caught in moving parts. Never operate a unit in Darefeet,
sandals, or sneakers.
19. Check overhead clearancecarefully before driving uncer power
lines, wires, bridges or low hangingtree branches,bef__reenter-
ing or leaving buildings, or in any other situation v here the
operator may be struck or pulled from the unit, wh _h could
result inserious injury.
Disengage all attachment clutches, thoroughly depress the
brake pedal, and shift into neutral before attempting to start
Your mower is designed to cut normal residential grass of a
height no more than 10". Do not attempt to mow through
unusually tall, dry grass (e.g., pasture) or piles of dry leaves.
Debris may build up on the mower deck or contact the engine
exhaust presentinga potentialfire hazard.
Slopesarea major factor relatedto loss of control and tip-over acci-
dents which can result in severeinjury or death.All slopes require
extra caution. If you cannot backup the slope or if you feel uneasy
on it, do notmow it.
Foryour safety,use the slope gaugeincluded as part of this manual
to measure slopes before operating this unit on a sloped or hilly
area. If the slope is greater than 15oas shown on the slope gauge,
do not operatethis unit on that area or serious injury could result.
Mow up and down slopes, not across.
Remove obstaclessuch asrocks, limbs, etc.
Watch for holes, ruts or bumps. Uneventerrain could overturn the
machine.Tall grass canhide obstacles.
Use slow speed. Choosea low enough gear sothat you will not have
to stop or shift while on the slope. Always keep machine in gear
when going down slopes to take advantageof engine braking action.
Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for wheel weights or
counterweights to improve stability.
Use extra carewith grass catchers or other attachments. Thesecan
change the stability of the machine.
Keepall movement on the slopes slowand gradual. Do not make
sudden changesin speedor direction. Rapidengagement or braking
could cause the front of the machine to lift and rapidly flip over
backwards which could causeserious injury.
Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If tires lose traction, disen-
gagethe blade(s) and proceed slowly straightdown the slope.
Donot turn on slopes unlessnecessary;then, turn slowly andgrad-
uallydownhill, if possible.
Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or embankments.The mower
could suddenly turn over if a wheel is over the edge of a cliff or
ditch, or if an edgecaves in.
Do notmow on wet grass. Reducedtraction could causesliding.
Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the
Donot use grass catcheron steepslopes.
Trag_s can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence
of children. Children are often attracted to the machine and the
mowing activity. Never assume that children will remain where you
lastsaw them.
1. Keepchildren out of the mowing area and in watchful careof an
adult otherthan the operator.
2. Bealert and turn machineoff if children enter the area.
3. Before and when backing, look behind and down for small