• LO CATE YOUR MODEL NUMBER AND SE RIAL NUMBER which ap pears on your unit and
re cord the in for ma tion in the space pro vided be low.
IM POR TANT: You must have these num bers, along with the date and proof of
pur chase to re ceive war ranty or ser vice.
• If you are hav ing dif fi culty as sem bling this prod uct or if you have any ques tions re gard ing the
con trols, op er a tion or main te nance of this unit, please call the Cus tomer Sup port De part ment.
• Cus tomer Sup port can be reached by di al ing: 1-800-668-1238
• Please have your model num ber and se rial num ber ready when you call.
NOTE: Al though both num bers are im por tant, you will be asked to en ter only your
se rial num ber be fore your call can be pro cessed.
For more de tails about your unit, visit our website at www.mtdcanada.com
This is where your model num ber will be,
re cord model num ber here:
This is where your se rial num ber will be,
re cord se rial num ber here:
CALLING CUS TOMER SUP PORT .............................................2
TA BLE OF CON TENTS .....................................................2
IM POR TANT SAFE OP ER A TION PRAC TICES ....................................3
SLOPE GAUGE...........................................................6
SET-UP IN STRUC TIONS....................................................7
CON TROLS .............................................................8
OP ER A TION .............................................................9
AD JUST MENT ..........................................................12
LU BRI CA TION ..........................................................13
MAIN TE NANCE..........................................................13
OFF SEA SON STOR AGE IN STRUC TIONS......................................17
RE PLACE MENT PARTS/PIÈCES DÉTACHÉES...................................18
WAR RANTY: ............................................................29
TROU BLE SHOOTING ....................................................30