Application Examples
76 AFG3000 Series Quick Start User Manual
Measurement of Filter Characteristics
Use the arbitrary/function generator sweep function to observe the frequency characteristics of the 50 Ω filter.
1. Connect the CH1 output of the arbi-
trary/function generator and an oscillo-
scope CH1 input with a BNC cable.
2. Connect the Trigger Output of the arbi-
trary/function generator and the exter-
nal trigger input connector of an
Set the oscilloscope input impedance to
50 Ω..
3. Select Sweep from Run Mode of the
arbitrary/function generator and set the
start frequency, stop frequency, and
sweep time so that the waveform is
shown in the graticule.
You can measure the frequency char-
acteristics of the filter by sweep time
and the oscilloscope time base.
AFG3000 series