MTD 769-01645A Lawn Mower User Manual

,_ WARNING: Keep handsand feet Stopping the Engine
awayfrom the discharge opening
of the cutting deck. ,_ WARNING: If you strike a foreign
NOTE:Thedeckwheelsarean anti-scalpfeatureof the A
deckandarenotdesignedto supportthe weightofthe _ nect the spark plug wire(s) and
cuttingdeck. ground against the engine.
Referto Levelingthe Deck onpage20ofthis manual Thoroughly inspectthe machine
formoredetailedinstructionsregardingvariousdeck for any damage. Repair the
adjustments, damage before restarting and
Starting the Engine operating
1. Ifthe bladesareengaged,placethePTO(Blade
_ WARNING: Do not operate the Engage)knob(orlever)in thedisengaged(OFF)
tractor if the interlocksystem is position.
malfunctioning. This system was 2. TurntheignitionkeycounterclockwisetotheSTOP
designed for your safety and position.
protection. 3. Removethekeyfromthe ignitionswitchtoprevent
NOTE:RefertotheTRACTORSET-UPon page8 ofthis
manualfor GasolineandOilfill-up instructions. Driving The Tractor
1. Insertthe tractorkeyintotheignitionswitch.
2. Placethe PTO(BladeEngage)knob(or lever)in the A_ WARNING: Avoid sudden starts,
disengaged(OFF)position. _ ex-cessive speed and sudden
3. Engagethe tractor'sparkingbrake, stops.
4. Activatethe chokecontrol.
5. Turnthe ignitionkeyclockwisetothe STARTposition. WARNING: Do not leave the seat
Aftertheenginestarts,releasethekey.Itwill returnto of the tractor without first placing
theON position, the PTO (Blade Engage) knob (or
lever) in the disengaged (OFF)
IMPORTANT:DoNOTholdthekeyin theSTARTposi-
tionfor longerthantensecondsat a time.Doingsomay position, depressing the brake
causedamageto yourengine'selectricstarter, pedal and engaging the parking
brake, if leaving the tractor
6. Aftertheenginestarts,deactivatethechokecontrol
andplacethethrottlecontrolinthe FASTposition, unattended, also turn the ignition
key off and remove the key.
NOTE:DoNOTleavethe chokecontrolonwhileoperat-
ingthe tractor.Doingso will resultina "rich"fuelmixture 1. Depressthebrakepedalto releasetheparkingbrake
andcausetheengineto runpoorly, andletthe pedalup.
2. Movethethrottleleverintothe FAST(rabbit)position.
IMPORTANT:DoNOTuse theshiftlevertochangethe
directionoftravelwhenthetractoris inmotion.Always
usethebrakepedalto bringthe tractortoacomplete
3. Tomoveforward,placetheshift leverinthe FOR-
WARDposition,thenslowlydepressthe drivepedal
Your LaWn
if you strike a foreign
object, stop the
engine, disconnect
the spark plug wire(s)
and ground against
the engine. Thoroughly
inspectthe machine
for any damage. Repair
:he damage before
restarting and operat-
Avoidsudden starts,
ex-cessive speed and
sudden stops.
Do not leave the seat
of the tractor without
first placingthe PTO
(Blade Engage) knob
(or lever)in the disen-
gaged (OFF) position,
depressing the brake
pedal and engaging
the parking brake, if
leaving the tractor
unattended, also turn
the ignition key off and
remove the key.