John Deere 5203 Lawn Mower User Manual

Identification Numbers
PY80265,05G1104 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Record Front Axle Serial Number
PY1730 –UN–01JUN06
CARRARO Front Axle
PY1722 –UN–01JUN06
DANA Front Axle
The front-axle serial number plate (A) is located on the
right rear side of the axle housing.
Front Axle Serial Number
PY80265,05G1105 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Record Engine Serial Number
PY5154 –UN–21AUG05
Serial number plate (A) is located on the right-hand side
of the engine block between the starter solenoid and the
hydraulic pump.
Engine Serial Number