USD ($)
LVB25726 Mounting Kit for Triple Mid Hydraulic Control Valve
Kit with Joystick Control
For 5225, 5325, 5425, 5525 & 5625 Tractors Only:
1) Not required for tractors ALREADY equipped WITH Dual Mid Control Valves.
2) Includes parts required to install Triple Mid Control Valves on tractors NOT equipped with
Dual Mid Control Valves but ALREADY equipped with Rear Control Valves.
3) To complete installation, ALSO order:
- (1) RE198241 Joystick Bracket and (2) RE179150 Control Cables (Service Parts) for Open
Operator Station (Codes 1505 or 1506) Tractors ONLY.
- (1) RE72747 Joystick Bracket, (1) R236219 Joystick Cover, and (2) RE220895 Control
Cables (Service Parts) for Isolated Open Operator Station or Cab (Codes 1508, 1510, or
1511) ONLY.
- (1) RE226516 Oil Line (Service Parts) for tractors NOT equipped with Rear Control Valves.
For 5525 Hi-Crop Tractors Only:
1) Not required for tractors ALREADY equipped WITH Dual Mid Control Valves.
2) Includes parts required to install Triple Mid Control Valves on tractors NOT equipped with
Dual Mid Control Valves but ALREADY equipped with Rear Control Valves.
3) To complete installation, ALSO order:
- (1) RE198241 Joystick Bracket and (2) RE179150 Control Cables (Service Parts) for
HI-CROP Tractors.
- (1) RE226516 Oil Line (Service Parts) for tractors NOT equipped with Rear Control Valves.
- (1) RE233117 Oil Line for HI-CROP tractors ALREADY equipped with Rear Control Valves
(Service Parts).
LVB25725 Mounting Kit for Triple Rear Deluxe Hydraulic Control Valve Kit with Lever Controls
For 5225, 5325, 5425, 5525 & 5625 Tractors Only:
1) Not required for tractors ALREADY equipped WITH Dual Rear Control Valves.
2) Includes parts required to install Triple Rear Control Valves on tractors NOT equipped with
Rear Control Valves but ALREADY equipped WITH Dual Mid Control Valves.
3) To complete installation, ALSO order:
- (2) RE194856 Control Cables (Service Parts) for Open Operator Station (Codes 1505 or
1506) Tractors ONLY.
- (2) RE198227 Control Cables (Service Parts) for Isolated Open Operator Station or Cab
(Codes 1508, 1510 or 1511) ONLY.
- (1) RE194460 and (1) RE223817 Oil Lines for tractors NOT equipped with Mid Control
Valves (Service Parts).
- (1) RE217122 and (1) RE217126 Oil Lines for STANDARD tractors ALREADY equipped
WITH Triple Mid Control Valves (Service Parts).
For 5525 Hi-Crop Tractors Only:
1) Not required for tractors ALREADY equipped WITH Dual Rear Control Valves.
2) Includes parts required to install Triple Rear Control Valves on tractors NOT equipped with
Rear Control Valves but ALREADY equipped WITH Dual Mid Control Valves.
3) To complete installation, ALSO order:
- (2) RE194856 Control Cables (Service Parts) for HI-CROP Tractors ONLY.
- (1) RE194460 and (1) RE223817 Oil Lines for tractors NOT equipped with Mid Control
Valves (Service Parts).
- (1) RE217122 and (1) RE217126 Oil Lines for STANDARD tractors ALREADY equipped
WITH Triple Mid Control Valves (Service Parts)
- (1) RE233116 Oil Line for HI-CROP tractors ALREADY equipped WITH Dual Mid Control
Valves (Service Parts).
LVB25697 Power Beyond Coupler Kit
Requires, at least, one rear Hydraulic Control Valve.
For Hydraulic Motor Applications, Order Code 7030 or LVB25692 Triple Rear Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Valve with Pressure Compensated Flow Control is Recommended. Order
Attachments for Non-Current 5025 Series Tractors
16 May 2012 US & Canada
2-Tractors(AFFC)-00800- 4