Dynasty Spas 2008 Hot Tub User Manual

Dynasty Spas Operator’s Guide • www.dynastyspas.com
Jets.............................................The fittings on your spa that direct the flow of water for
massaging action.
Ozone ........................................A water purification supplement method using Ozone
gas. Ozone gas, made by an Ozone Generator unit,
can reduce your sanitizer needs by up to 25%.
pH...............................................Stands for "Potential for Hydrogen" This is the term
used to describe the acid (low pH) or alkaline (high
pH) condition of the water.The ideal pH for spa water
is 7.5.
Skimmer ...................................The skimmer removes surface debris, allowing debris
to be caught in the filter.The water level in the spa
should be kept at 2" above the skimmer for optimum