:TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 2 | 3 | 4}:VERTical[?]
{TSOurce | MANual}
Specifies whether the TDR/TDT response should track the source channel’s
vertical scale (TSOurce), or use a user-defined scale specified with the
VERTical:OFFSet and VERTical:RANGe commands (MANual). TSOurce is
the usual setting.
:TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 2 | 3 | 4}:
VERTical:OFFSet[?] <offset_value>
Sets the vertical position of the specified response when vertical tracking is
set to MANual. The position is always referenced to center screen.
Offset value in volts, watts, or decibels, depending on the current channel
UNITs. Suffix UNITs are ignored; only the scalar part is used (“m” in “mw”).
:TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 2 | 3 | 4}:
VERTical:RANGe[?] <range_value>
Specifies the vertical range of the TDR/TDT response when the vertical
tracking mode is set to MANual.
Vertical range in volts, watts, or decibels, depending on the current UNITs
setting and suffix supplied. (The suffix does not set the UNITs; it is ignored.)
:TDR{2 | 4}:STIMulus[?] {OFF | ON | ON1 | ON2 |
ON1AND2 | DIFFerential | COMMonmode |EXTernal |
ON3 | ON4 | ON3AND4}
Turns the TDR/TDT stimulus on or off.
TDR Commands